Red River CrossFit
BOOK A FREE INTROGroup classes allow our members to work with a professional coach for a fraction of the investment. All of our members are assigned to one of our coaches, who are responsible for monitoring progress and holding their athletes accountable to achieving their fitness goals.
When done correctly, all fitness levels can benefit from CrossFit. CrossFit is a program that specializes in not specializing. That means it’s designed to make you good at everything. What that means to us is that it prepares you for life – everything from surviving emergency situations to making you a better tennis player to giving you more energy, mobility, and strength to play with your children/grandchildren. It also means having more confidence in yourself.
CrossFit can be intimidating…We get it…but it doesn’t have to be! We have been open since 2008 and have talked to thousands of inquiring minds about the pros, cons, questions, concerns and benefits of CrossFit. There is a lot of uncertainty about Crossfit because most people’s introduction to CrossFit is either a crazy video on the internet or the sport of CrossFit on ESPN…neither of which accurately depicts what goes on in the over 12,000 CrossFit gyms around the world.
Though we enjoy and appreciate the feats performed at the CrossFit Games, we at Ex Athletics truly embrace the CrossFit culture that was most pervasive when we began holding workouts at A.C. Steere park in 2007. It was a culture of being the best you possible – not about winning a competition – and that is the culture that we created at Ex Athletics.
When done right, CrossFit can be a tremendously beneficial program for all fitness levels of the population. The problem is finding the simple answers of what it is, what it does, and how to get started. To help you along the way, we wrote this article to give you the facts about what CrossFit is and how to get started on your journey to the best you possible and we will do that by addressing some of the most common questions that we have received over the years.

What is CrossFit?
“CrossFit begins with a belief in fitness. The aim of CrossFit is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness. We have sought to build a program that will best prepare trainees for any physical contingency — not only for the unknown, but for the unknowable. After looking at all sport and physical tasks collectively, we asked what physical skills and adaptations would most universally lend themselves to performance advantage. Capacity culled from the intersection of all sports demands would quite logically lend itself well to all sport. In sum, our specialty is not specializing.” –
CrossFit is a lifestyle and a vision. But in more concrete terms, CrossFit is a training program that improves strength and conditioning, burns body fat and builds muscle through varied functional training workouts – or WODs. We focus on functional movements such as:
- Running
- KB Swings
- Rowing
- Presses
- Pullups
- Deadlifts
- Pushups
- Barbell Squats
- Air Squats
- Power Cleans
Group classes are the perfect solution for any individual looking for a supportive community that shares their desire to be healthier and happier.
Fraction of the Cost of Personal Training
Group classes allow our members to work with a professional coach for a fraction of the investment. All of our members are assigned to one of our coaches, who are responsible for monitoring progress and holding their athletes accountable to achieving their fitness goals.
Goal-Based Programming
Here at Ex Athletics, our programs are designed to improve our members’ health and performance in the way that is most meaningful for their needs and desires.